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Find here news about our projects and initiatives as well as our presence in different media, where we share our vision and experience.

Sustainn joins Navarra Zirkular

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We are very happy to join Navarra Zirkular , continuing with our commitment to promote the implementation of the principles of the circular economy in Navarra since 2014. Navarra Zirkular is a…

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Yesterday, 09/14/22, the call for grants “Aid for carrying out decarbonization plans in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector” was published in the BON (Official Gazette of Navarra)….

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Pamplona Green 2022

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We participate again in the Pamplona Emprende Verde program . It is a program promoted by the Pamplona City Council, with the collaboration of CEIN , to support and train people who want to…

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PERTE Circular Economy

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The Council of Ministers approves the PERTE of Circular Economy with measures to move towards a more efficient productive system, which allows extending the useful life cycle of goods and products, and…

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